Thursday, November 12, 2009

Artist Statement
Another topic I shot with my camera was street photography and showed how my streets very artistic and colorful. I went almost everywhere in my neighborhood like around my block, down 7th Street, at a park, and just around my school. My observations out in the streets are that it’s really lively and vibrant especially during the mid-autumn and slowly ending and changing into winter soon. Adobe Photoshop software was fun to play around with to add even more color to my street photography.
I didn’t get a chance to go the city to get even more interesting photos. So I just went around my neighborhood to take photos and during the time of the season also brought some uniqueness to my other pictures than the one I took during the summer. There are more the serene more use of different colors to my photography. There were some constructions going around my neighborhood so it kind of blended with the environment. So I added colors you wouldn’t see a regularly in ordinary things or during construction around the streets.
Adobe Photoshop software helped me to added more color and odd ones you wouldn’t see like a purple bulldozer. I use many color variations in my photos and use most of the artistic filters that makes it even more interesting the outlook than it was before. Paint bucket was the main tool I used in adobe Photoshop software to added color to my photos. If you were doing color splash it would nice to use paint bucket from adobe Photoshop for an all black and white picture.
I like Narelle Autio’s street photography it’s very unique and very interesting. Her pictures are so crystal clear with its colors and details. I inspire her pictures of street photography. The color really brings my eyes to it. So I decided to added more color to my pictures to bring out its uniqueness and my neighborhood.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

this is my "street" photography that i took with my own hands with a camera. It was actually kind of hard picking the right spots that makes it unique. These pictures are taken like in my neighborhood, parks, or where ever i go. I showin how colorful my neighborhood can be. ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009